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In 2021 AcademicTransfer facilitates a PhD workshop in Colombia. It’s an ideal opportunity to meet Colombian PhD candidates face-to-face and to promote your organisation as an desirable employer.


dates to be confirmed

€ 2000

indication of the costs per person


interviews with PhD candidates

Programme & costs

  • Date: to be confirmed
  • Location: to be confirmed
  • Costs: approx. € 2.000 (excl. VAT)
  • Included: interview table, lunch, digital matchmaking system, resume selection and welcoming dinner
  • Not-included: flights and accommodation

Download our information guides

Travel to Colombia and Mexico and get a discount

Besides the PhD workshop in Colombia we also organise a PhD workshop in Mexico-City. You can easily combine these two workshops. The PhD workshop in Mexico takes place after the workshop in Colombia. When you participate in both events, you get a discount of 25%. This comes down to a discount of approximately € 1000!


Are you a Dutch university recruiter or professor and would you like to join the Netherlands delegation? Register via the form below. Email us at for more information.

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