Get in touch with Master's students, PhD candidates, postdocs, scientists and researchers via AcademicTransfer.

  • 1.2 million page views per month on
  • Experience in recruiting academics since 1997
  • 95% of visitors hold a university degree
  • Wide national and international reach
  • Jobs posted within 24 hours online on weekdays

Choose your job posting

For every recruitment need, we have a suitable solution. Included in our Standard job posting for € 679:

  • a job posting on AcademicTransfer for up to 28 days
  • embedded links can be added
  • a targeted email alert (40,000 accounts)
  • a post on our Twitter channel with 13,500 followers
  • an employer page with short description of your organization
  • a job posting on EURAXESS reaching 3.1 million visitors from over 200 countries. We will forward the vacancy to EURAXESS if:
    • your vacancy is in the English language, and
    • the job type is scientific or contains sufficient elements of research, development and/or innovation, and
    • your job is categorised in one or more academic fields.

Reach even more candidates with our Proactive, Proactive-Plus and SciencePlatform posting.

These are the prices as of January 1st 2023:


€ 729

Most popular



€ 829

Greater online reach



€ 929

Online & in newspaper

5 CV’s from candidate-database

*if available

Job statistics

In job posting and on employer branding page

Job extension

Till max. 60 days

Job on NRC Carrière


Vacancy ladder NRC weekend

Saturday newspaper

Advert NRC Weekend

1/16 in science annex Saturday newspaper


1 week on AcademicTransfer homepage & in email alert

€ 100€ 100
Publication period 60 days60 days60 days

Proactive posting

  • Let us do the work for you and pre-select the best candidates. We match your vacancy with our candidate database with 10,000 open profiles and share the up to 5 best CV’s with you (if available).
  • You also have the possibility to add a photo or video to your job posting.
  • You can also view the vacancy statistics online on a daily basis.
  • We will post your job on our platform for a maximum of 60 days.

In addition, all services of the Standard placement are included.


Get everything that is included in our Proactive posting with one extra: a job advert on the online career page of newspaper NRC (NRC Carrière). Reach more highly educated candidates due to this collaboration: more than 3 million visitors per month on

SciencePlatform posting

Get everything included in our Proactive-Plus Placement with the extras:

  • Your vacancy will not only appear online on NRC Carrière, but also in print in the vacancy ladder of NRC Weekend.
  • You will receive a 1/16 advertisement in the Science section of NRC Weekend (see example). NRC Weekend has a reach of 520,000 readers.
  • Your vacancy will be a Spotlight at the top of our homepage for one week.

Monthly, NRC reaches 1.9 million highly educated professionals through print, digital, and audio platforms, as well as over 1 million actively or passively job-seeking individuals. Read more about NRC's reach and target audience.

These are the vacancy conditions for a SciencePlatform posting:

  • level of education: at least university degree and
  • job type: scientific or research, development or innovation and
  • placement duration: at least 21 days


If you expect to post more than five vacancies on AcademicTransfer in the coming 12 months, then we offer attractive volume discounts. We would be happy to advise you on which option offers the best value for your organisation.

Post your job or receive free advice

Contact us via the form by clicking the button below. We will do our utmost best to help you with your request.