Finding scientific talent gets easier!

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Discovering scientific talent has never been this easy! In our database you will find:

  • over 47.000 candidates actively seeking a new job.
  • 25% open profiles with contact details and, if applicable, a CV and research proposal.

Get started

If you would like to have access to our candidate database, you'll first have to:

  1. Create an account (or log in).
  2. Send us an email, so we can give you access rights.

CV Match


Candidates who have added a CV to their profile are automatically matched with the vacancies on our site. When you log in and go to your job vacancy, under 'CV match' you will see the most suitable researchers from our candidate database. You can view their profile and download their CVs.

The best-matching candidates are listed at the top. A score of four dots or more indicates a suitable match.

Find candidates


Want to explore our talent pool on your own? You can! With our candidate search function, as a recruiter, you can filter based on various profile details and proactively search for qualified candidates.

You can perform a quick search by keyword or scientific discipline or conduct an in-depth filter based on current position, funding, or country of origin.

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Haven't found a suitable candidate yet? Discover (inter)national researchers working in the same field as your vacancy with GlobalCampus. Find experts worldwide who have already published in the field of your job opening. An ideal way to map latent talent!

How to find experts globally?

Enter a part of your job description, project description, or publication abstract into the search field of GlobalCampus. You will get an overview of researchers who have already published on this topic. Expand your network and proactively approach potential candidates.